About Our Worship Services:

The worship service is available to NU students and staff as well as to the community at large. Worship takes place on the campus. First Congregational Church meets each Sunday in the Gallagher Student Center Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) from 10:30 – 11:30 AM. Parking is available in the lot right beside the Gallagher Center and no parking pass is required on Sunday’s during worship. Occasionally, when the MPR is needed for school events, we meet in the chapel in the Gacioch Family Alumni and Admissions Center.

First Congregational is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ. “Open and Affirming (ONA) is the United Church of Christ’s (UCC) designation for congregations, campus ministries, and other bodies in the UCC which make a public covenant of welcome into their full life and ministry to persons of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.” (For more on ONA, see UCC website here, and for a history and timeline see here)

The worship service is a fairly traditional style of Protestant worship that includes music, prayers, scripture readings, and sermon. Communion (The Lord’s Supper) is served on the first Sunday of each month and is open to everyone.

Some history things about First Congregational United Church of Christ:

First Congregational is one of the oldest continuously operating churches in the city. The congregation was first formed in 1853. The church’s sanctuary building was built in 1856 and is on the NY State Historic Registry. It is located at 822 Cleveland Avenue, between the heart of Main Street and Whirlpool Street which runs along the Niagara River gorge. Throughout their history, First Congregational has been very active in the city of Niagara Falls and has a deep ethos of service to the community and social justice.

As with many of the Mainline Protestant churches in the USA, First Congregational experienced a long slow decline in membership over recent decades. As of 2020, only a small but committed number of members remained. In the several years before that time the focus of the congregation turned towards working to maintain their church building so this historic structure would not be lost. In 2019 Niagara University (NU) approached the congregation about purchasing their building as to become the new home NU’s the Levesque Institute for Civic Engagement. As part of the purchase agreement First Congregation would be able to continue worshiping at the church. In 2021 the sale to the University was completed.

This was an answer to prayer for the congregation. As their resources where shrinking, taking care of their historic structure had become a great challenge. Not only would the University be able to better maintain the building, they planned to renovate parts of it to house an Academic Innovation Hub, the focus of which would be working collaboratively with the city, community groups, businesses, and the public to help revitalize Niagara Falls. In short, Niagara University was bringing their Vincentian values to serve others right into the down town. For First Congregational, the match was wonderful. Although a Protestant church, their core values of service and social justice are very aligned with the Vincentian Values of Niagara University.

When the building was closed for renovations in January of 2023, First Congregational began meeting for worship on the Niagara University Campus.

Since 2020, Rev. Mark Breese of Community Missions of Niagara Frontier led First Congregational worship as a regular supply preacher. He gave encouragement to the church through the final process of selling the church building to NU and when the transitioned to worshiping on the NU campus.

During the summer of 2024, First Congregational Church called Kalee Jo Mielke to serve the church as their new minister. Pastor Kalee began her ministry on September 1, 2024.

First Congregational Church meets for worship each Sunday in the Gallagher Student Center Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) from 10:30 – 11:30 AM. Occasionally, when the MPR is needed for school events, the small congregation meets in the chapel in the Gacioch Family Alumni and Admissions Center.

Some Interesting Stuff In Our History Timeline:

In the beginning…

June 23, 1853 – Started Sunday School in the school house at Ontario and Sepervisic (11th St).

July 3, 1853 – Evening meetings for Sunday School, prayer, formal worship, using various ministers of various denominations.

Spring 1854 – Voted to build the building.

September 11, 1855 – Cornerstone laid.

September 25, 1855 – Installed first pastor – Rev. J. O. Knapp at Hathold, Ma.

March 1856 – Basement ready for use.

Oct 29, 1857 – Building completed.

At various times fire apparatus was stored here. The bell was used as the firebell.

Some time after 1954 Congregational churches joined with Evangelical and Reformed Churches to form United Church of Christ.

Our church voted to join and we became First Congregational United Church of Christ.

Our church people and building were involved in the Underground Railroad.

Fredrick Douglas once spoke at the church.

In the early 1950’s our church became involved in hosting and sponsoring an AA group. In more recent times it expanded to include NA groups. (During the renovations these groups are temporarily meeting at other churches).

In 1998 we voted to become open and affirming.

Our minister, Marna Pritchard, was an officiant in the first mass open and affirming wedding ceremony. It was held on the day it became legal in New York State. Held at Goat Island July 2011.